Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pompeii Children’s Class

Pompeii: City of the DEAD

Magistra Lucretia Marcella (Jael ben Ari)

Shire of Greyhope, Region of Constellation, Kingdom of the Middle, Known World

On august 24, 79 A.D. in Pompeii a bustling, thriving city, became a town inhabited by none but the ghosts of those who did not flee the doomed city in time. Life in Pompeii was that of a city flourishing under the successes of the Roman Empire. Thousands lived in the small city on what we call the Bay of Naples, Italy today. Five miles in the distance the beautiful Mount Vesuvius rose, dominating the horizon.

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How to Submit a Project

Please email your A&S project to alexandria.submissions [at] midrealm dot org

As this is not a peer reviewed library, all submissions must have the author’s email in their submission so other members can contact you with questions or comments.  Please make sure any sources are sited and in PDF format.  Please ask if you have questions with formatting!  If you have included images in your research, please make sure it is licensed to share under Fair Use Doctrine.  For performances, please include a link to youtube or vimeo.  Please include the A&S category and any suggested meta tags.  Once your submission has been received, you will be sent the SCA Grant of Use form.  Please sign it digitally and return in order to grant permission for publication.

The authors retain all rights to their work.  No work will be published without the authors permission.

Thank you,

THL Sayyida Ays,e Al-Rumiyya

Curator, Digital Alexandria


It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., and does not delineate SCA policies. All material hereon should be considered under copyright protections according to U.S. law and international treaty, and may not be reused or linked to without the permission of the author, artist, or other copyright owner as designated. In case of conflict with printed versions of material printed on this page or its links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed version unless otherwise indicated.  The SCA, Inc is not guaranteeing the quality or validity of the information placed on this website.

Help Wanted

Digital Alexandria is growing and needs more than one person to help maintain the library. Please click here to view the job descriptions.

  • Deputy Curator
  • Submission Librarian
  • Arts Librarian
  • Sciences Librarian
  • Antikythera

What is Digital Alexandria?

Digital Alexandria is a way of cataloging and storing the collective Arts & Sciences knowledge of the members of the SCA.  How often have you wished to be able to read someone’s research, or attended a class only to have lost the hand out?  Maybe you want to start researching something but don’t know where to start?  This website contains A&S projects that have been submitted by the users.  You can search for projects by meta tag or feel free to “browse the stacks”.