Author Archives: redspears

Persian Garb 1500s

Welcome to Persian Garb basics by Mistress Rozalynd of Thornabee on Tees and Ays,e al-Rumiyya.  This post will help the user explore Persian Garb, including the different garments and how to construct a qaba (Persian cote)

Persian from Head to Toe

Discussion of fabrics and the differences between male and female garb.

Persian Pattern Layouts

Learn how to make your own Persian qaba using your own body measurements.

This excel spreadsheet is designed to assist in creating Persian garb from around the 1500s.  Insert your body measurements in the orange boxes and the second tab will calculate the pattern pieces.  Use this spreadsheet with Persian Pattern Layouts by Mistress Rozalynd of Thornabee on Tees.

Persian Pattern Layouts- Measurements