Monthly Archives: July 2020

Sweetening the Spirit- Making Cordials

Boswyn of Baðon mka Sean Wilson

Shire of Caer Gwyn, Middle Kingdom, Known World

Making a cordial is actually quite easy; take a distilled liquor, add flavors, add sweetener, add time. Then you are done. But even this easy task can lead to bad results. What follows is part how-to and part my journey in making cordials.

Sweetening the Spirit 101

Sweetening the Spirit 201 – Sugars

Sweetening the Spirit 301 – Nuts

Sweetening the Spirit 302 – Spices

Sweetening the Spirit 401 – Combination Cordials

The Whey of the Curds

The Whey of the Curds– a history of cheese in Western Society in period.

By Oswyn of Baðon mka Sean Wilson

Shire of Caer Gwyn, Middle Kingdom, Known World

Legend has it that cheese was discovered by a travelling nomad.  The nomad kept a quantity of milk in a skin (probably a stomach).  As a result of his bumpy ride and hot conditions, the milk had turned into curds.  

It is a nice legend but a problematic one.  Why would a nomadic adult be carrying milk and where did he get it?  

Vinegar 101, 201, and 301 from

Oswyn of Baðon mka Sean Wilson

Shire of Caer Gwyn, Middle Kingdom, Known World

French wine makers have a saying, “God loves to make vinegar.”  Making vinegar is very easy; it will happen on its own.  However, like brewing, you can control the process and make this easy but versatile product for yourself.

Vinegar 101 Anti Brewing Vinegar

Vinegar 201 Vinegar and Mustard

Vinegar 301 Vinegar and Shrubs